Now we come to the css-Tag from the page before. You can use any of
the following css tags to control the design of your presentation.
The default values are listed behind the tag names. This
presentation is made with these default values, there is no css
tag in this config.spip anyway.
pagebackground - #FFF
textcolor - #000
textfont - Verdana
fontsize - 16pt
codesize - 18pt
pagetitlesize - 36pt
h1color - #00F
hncolor - #00F
linkcolor - #00F
visitedcolor - #009
hovercolor - #0F0
hoverbackground - #CCC
activecolor - #F00
datecolor - #C0C
headcolor - #999
headsize - 24pt
headbackground - #000
navcolor - #C0C
navsize - 12pt
navbackground - #CCC
navlinkcolor - #00F
navvisitedcolor - #009
navhovercolor - #0F0
navactivecolor - #F00
feetcolor - #000
feetsize - 12pt
feetbackground - #999
feetlinkcolor - #000
feetvisitedcolor - #009
feethovercolor - #0F0
feethoverbackground - #CCC
feetactivecolor - #F00
Christian Dühl
February 2005